| 1. | Identification on leaf spot pathogen of tree peony 牡丹红斑病病原菌的研究
| 2. | Leaf spot control experiment of asarum sieboldii 细辛叶斑病药剂防治试验
| 3. | Effect of frog - eye leaf spot on yield and quality of soybean 大豆灰斑病对大豆产量与品质的影响
| 4. | Protective effects of fungicides on curvularia lunata leaf spot 杀菌剂对新月弯孢霉叶斑病的防治效果简报
| 5. | The examination method of seed with rust and leaf spot of sugar beet 甜菜种子带锈病和褐斑病菌检测方法的研究
| 6. | The biological characteristics of the pathogenic agent of steviae leaf spot disease 甜叶菊斑枯病病原菌的生物学特性
| 7. | Identification of leaf spot of amomum tsao - ko and trunk canker of liquidambar formosana 草果叶斑病和枫香干腐病的病原茵鉴定
| 8. | Identification of pathogen of tomato target leaf spot and its biological characteristics 番茄褐斑病病原菌鉴定及生物学特性研究
| 9. | Identification of jilin ' s maize germplasm resistance to curvularia leaf spot 吉林省部分玉米种质资源抗玉米弯孢菌叶斑病鉴定研究
| 10. | Biological characteristics of the pathogenic fungus causing leaf spot disease of prunus americana 布朗李叶枯病菌生物学特性研究